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HokuApps Mobile App Development Services

Build Apps 10X FASTER
In today’s times call for short time-to-market and increased demand for high-quality mobile apps. HokuApps offers a low-code mobile app development platform to create native and cross-platform apps at 10x speed.
Make a Mobile App Faster

HokuApps Mobile Platform

The Fastest Way of Mobile App Development for Business

We, at HokuApps, believe that the most crucial factor of mobile app development is to have the right approach to digitization. Our low code mobile application development approach boosts rapid prototyping and incremental enterprise solutions. With complete process transparency and a successful track record, there are zero reasons why you shouldn’t invest in HokuApps mobile app development solutions.

Explore Our Mobile Application Development Projects (Case-Studies)

"Improve team transparency"
A centralized sales management solution was implemented to improve transparency among sales and marketing teams, increase automation and manageability over various operational elements and provide a real-time update on sales forecasting.
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"Real-time collaboration connecting field engineers"
One of the top benefits Roofing Southwest has experienced since deploying HokuApps mobility solution is that it has been able to reduce the wait time and facilitate real-time collaboration to connect engineers across all levels of the organization.
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How a Successful Mobile App Development Project Works

HokuApps’ mobile application development services provide our developers with access to a cutting-edge technology platform that is agile, fast and low-risk. With full transparency and with a successful track record, there are zero reasons why you shouldn’t invest in HokuApps mobile app development solutions.
Results at 10X speed
Our low code mobile application development approach emphasizes rapid prototyping and incremental mobile app development for businesses. To match industry standards, businesses will need to partner with a mobile app development company to develop and deploy mobile apps with short time-to-market.
Full Project Transparency
As a business leader, you will be in full control of the mobile app development process. With a system that adapts to regular customer feedback, our mobile app development process will be in sync with your requirements.
Best in class Mobile Apps
We deliver high performance level apps as the mobile app is detested at every stage of its development process. Our feature-centric approach assures the incorporation of customized and relevant business-critical elements in the app.

How Our Team Builds Mobile Apps at a Rapid Speed

Our goal, at HokuApps, is not only to transform your idea into an app, but also to innovate and modernize your workflow, enhance connectivity to your user base and reduce business costs. By partnering with HokuApps, your ideas are implemented within days with our low code approach to the mobile app development process. Be rest assured that your mobile app development requirements are being handled with smart and agile mobile solutions for even the most complex workflows, deployed in no time.
How Our Team Builds Mobile Apps at a Rapid Speed

Build Mobile App Incredibly FAST

Build Mobile App Incredibly FAST
Transform customer experience. Digitize business processes. Streamline operations. Leverage new technologies. Field services, custom CRM, inventory management, sales support, workflow apps – all of these and more, in the form of on-demand business modules that connect seamlessly with your systems 10X Fast
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fast time to market
Build Enterprise Apps Quickly

HokuApps Mobile App Development Platform

Why Partner with HokuApps for Mobile App Development

Custom-made Mobile Applications
HokuApps creates custom mobile applications for truly efficient solutions that are delivered at 10X speed
Connect to Anything and Everything
Connect seamlessly to any packaged, cloud-based or custom-built system operations with or without APIs
Enhanced Customer Reach
HokuApps mobile app development for multiple OS platforms in a single project lets you target more number of customers
Uniform Look and Feel Across Platforms
HokuApps mobile app development technology maintains a similar UI/UX for all platforms
Scalable for Complex Workflows
Our mobile app projects are built to match consumer demands, no matter the scale or complexity of the workflow
No Compromise on Timely Delivery
Our process is based on a low code approach, so a project is delivered to you on time and at an affordable price

Mobile App Development for All Devices and All Platforms

Mobile App Development for All Devices and All Platforms
Connect to Anything and Everything
With a platform that breaks inter-departmental boundaries irrespective of geographies, teams can collaborate betteron a common platform. With focus on simplicity and speed, your ideas get implemented within days. Be it a custom or native app on iOS, Android, or Windows, or a cross-platform hybrid app, HokuApps custom mobile application development platform helps you with your requirements


Know More About Mobile App Development Services

What is Mobile App Development?

  • In simple terms, mobile app development is the creation of mobile applications on a software platform. Ideally, the solutions delivered are true to the name, engaging the business in end-to-end digital transformation and not just reworked web pages. By customizing mobile application development solutions effectively, HokuApps stands out in a tech cluttered crowd.

What all devices are required for mobile app development?

  • The best mobile application development services make full use of the device hardware by integrating a camera, GPS, and microphone while making use of other device installed applications. Mobile app development software apps are created to provide solutions to specific business challenges. Challenges may vary depending on the device’s, operating system, features and screen size.

What are the challenges for mobile app development?

  • Generally an end-user has high expectations of ease-of-use, stunning UI/UX graphics, and high-quality functionality. The flipside will render the mobile app being deleted in a matter of minutes. This means that the mobile app must be in constant iteration-mode to reflect with changing consumer demands. HokuApps understands that a business has little space to deliver anything less than acceptable and this is exactly what HokuApps low code mobile application development platform delivers.

What are Hybrid Apps?

  • Hybrid apps are coded like a website in a common programming language like HTML, JavaScript or CSS. The web app is then ‘enveloped’ inside a native container that allows the platform to code the app, similar to a native app on Android, iOS or Windows OS platform.
    However, there are no tradeoffs for functionality and performance. In terms of costs, hybrid apps are made from scratch and do take time to build. This does inflate costs. While native apps may take months to build, cross-platform hybrid apps are delivered by the HokuApps mobile app development platform within 6-8 weeks.
    HokuApps enables enterprise mobility solutions for all the three platforms at a standard cost and time. This is the power of our low code mobile application development services.

What are Native Apps?

  • Native Apps are created to suit a particular operating system. In our experience, businesses create iOS apps for the North American and Western Europe region, while the rest prefer to go for Android mobile apps. Native apps harness the supremacy of platform-specific functionality with high performance and visually striking UI.
    With regards to programming languages, iOS mobile application development is created on Objective-C and/or Swift, while Android mobile app development is done on JavaScript. Both these options are highly developed programming languages which feature set guidelines by Apple and Android.
    The Apps provides enhanced usage of a smart device’s hardware like GPS, camera, contacts and many more. Such a feat can be achieved as both the OS platforms offer their respective development tools, standard SDKs and user interface elements.

Why do businesses need a mobile app?

  • It is a simple fact that mobile apps have conquered the world with their usability and connectivity.
    - By 2020, the number of internet users will reach 4.1. billion - Mobile apps will garner 86% of time spent online - Other than Google and Facebook, advertisement revenue generation will increase to 30% - Video will account for 82% of internet traffic - The amount of data per internet user per month will reach 44.1 GB

Can we know more about HokuApps iOS Mobile Application Development?

  • iOS mobile app development includes both- iPhone and iPad app development. With the advent of advanced technological improvement in mobile application development services with low code development platforms, HokuApps creates engaging, functionality-driven and elegant mobile applications that help businesses perform lucratively.
    The key to this lies in the optimized performance of mobile apps developed by HokuApps. Our mobile application development services ensure that the UI and UX of the app get the spotlight that they deserve. Apps made on iOS are high yielding in terms of downloads and revenue. Along with iOS mobile apps that are bug-free and of superior quality, expect your users to find the app user-friendly in terms of design.

Can we know more about HokuApps Android Mobile App Development?

  • As is with iOS, HokuApps develops Android mobile apps which are included in the fixed cost for mobile application development services. Android boasts of an 80% stronghold on the global market, with innumerable devices being launched every year. HokuApps develops Android mobile apps that are designed and tested for all types of mobile screens and specs.
    As one of the world’s leading Android mobile app development companies, our clients are delivered high-quality mobile applications at 10X the speed. Our low code platform features modules to create mobile apps using reusable code to deliver on-demand business apps for all three variants.

What comes under HokuApps Web App Development?

  • Not all users download mobile apps. A few will access your business website on their mobile phones before downloading your mobile application. Hence, our process develops a website that is mobile-friendly in terms of viewability and web page speed.