Pre-built Business Modules
HokuApps has a deep library of pre-built business modules for every industry. These modules act as starting points and are further customized to capture all unique business needs that might be required.

Pre-built Technology Components
HokuApps has a deep library of pre-built technology components that go into building apps and workflows, like GPS tracking, maps, payments, QR Code scanning and such.

Cross-platform Technology
The HokuApps automated platform features inbuilt technology that enables all solutions to work on iOS, Android & the Web - AUTOMATICALLY.

Design Studio
HokuApps has an inbuilt UI/UX design studio with a deep library of pre-built UI/UX designs built for various business verticals and functions.

Pre-built Connectors
The HokuApps platform has inbuilt connectors to over 500 systems. These connectors instantly work with various third-party software, internal systems and legacy software.

Enterprise Administration Backend
HokuApps platform builds end-to-end enterprise mobility solutions where all solutions built AUTOMATICALLY have a mobile view and a web backend.