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HokuApps is revolutionizing the way business is being done. Know all about our company updates

HokuApps Makes Enterprise Mobility Accessible And Affordable To SMEs
Hong Kong, May 24, 2018: Singapore-based RAD platform, HokuApps, is set to enable affordable enterprise mobility of SMEs through AI, IoT and chatbots at 10X faster speed. Business Director, Deniel Singh, shares his optimism of digital transformation in the booming SME APAC market at Cloud Expo Asia Hong Kong 2018
Digital Transformation of Businesses
INDIA, January 23, 2018: Technology has an impact on our everyday lives. With consumers consuming most of their information online, businesses are also changing their focus to grab consumer attention and retention. Businesses are shifting from their traditional practices and are adapting tech based solutions and upgrading their day to day operations. ‘Automation of processes’ is the latest buzz word among corporates.
Digitizing Your Process is Key to Increasing Customer Experience
INDIA, December 20, 2017: In this ever-evolving digital world, far from staying on the sidelines, companies need to leap frog and embrace the digital revolution. What does this mean? Companies need to carefully design an IT Expansion plan to digitize processes, ultimately creating a better customer experience. The need of the hour is to invest in digital capabilities, which can improve employee and financial performance.
Benefits of Low Code Enterprise RAD Platform Introduced by HokuApps
SINGAPORE, October 23, 2017: HokuApps Enterprise RAD Platform as a Leader in the low code application development. Our RAD Platform facilitates the creation and deployment of enterprise apps with minimal coding and half the required training. Low code RAD Software frameworks ensure a wider scope for innovation and enable the involvement of both the technical and the marketing team.
We can help you streamline your work that will drive your business forward. Get started with HokuApps today.