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HokuApps is revolutionizing the way business is being done. Know all about our company updates

HokuApps Rapid Application Development Platform for Technology Solutions 10X Faster
Singapore, August 6, 2019:The HokuApps Rapid Application Development (RAD) platform develops custom cross-platform applications for any business ten times faster than any traditional app development methodologies. Unlike traditional methods, the RAD methodology uses predefined prototyping techniques and tools to produce software applications. For tool integration, RAD uses an interactive Graphic User Interface (GUI) to drag and drop the required software application components.
HokuApps Automation Platform helps Improve Efficiency for the Field Service Industry
Singapore, July 16, 2019: HokuApps, a Rapid Application Development (RAD) platform, simplifies the business process to help improve efficiency for businesses in the field service industry. As more and more businesses turn to digital transformation to streamline their technology, it is now becoming imperative for the field service industry as well to walk down this path for ease of business.
HokuApps Technology helps Businesses on their Digital Transformation Journey with our Enterprise Mobility Solutions
Singapore, July 01, 2019:  Enterprise mobility is changing the way companies conduct their business, both internally and with their customers. HokuApps a leading rapid application (RAD) platform, offers enterprise mobility solutions to businesses across sectors being the true technology partner for companies on their digital transformation journey. 
HokuApps’ Machine Learning Platform is a Boon to Businesses on their Digital Transformation Journey
Singapore, June 10, 2019: The rise of artificial intelligence in business processes is revolutionizing the way businesses design their internal systems, analyze their data, and interact with customers. That’s why HokuApps is paving the way for businesses to transition to artificial intelligence and machine learning with its cutting-edge development engine.
We can help you streamline your work that will drive your business forward. Get started with HokuApps today.