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HokuApps is revolutionizing the way business is being done. Know all about our company updates

HokuApps Streamlines ELK-Desa’s Vehicle Financing Business Processes
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - October 19, 2020 HokuApps announced today it has built a technology solution for ELK-Desa for their vehicle financing business. ELK-Desa, a company involved in business segments that provide products and services targeted at the consumer market, is now experiencing many advantages of this app, especially during COVID-19 times.
HokuApps’ Feature-Packed Solution Streamlines That’s Innovative’s Event Management Business
Singapore - October 12, 2020 HokuApps, made it possible for That's Innovative to come back stronger after the COVID-19 pandemic with a robust Events app. With the pandemic, severely affecting the events business by lockdowns and strict social distancing rules, That's Innovative was able to partner with HokuApps to rapidly develop and deploy this solution.
HokuApps Automates NEMT Programs For HPH Transport To Make Patients Lives Easier During COVID-19
Illinois, United States - September 28, 2020 When the entire global population was worried about the COVID-19 pandemic disaster, HokuApps LLC. enabled operations automation at HPH Transport by building a technology-based solution that allowed the latter to enable easier scheduling of medical transport for their clients, with regard to non-emergency medical needs.
Liberty Industrial Group Deploys HokuApps Solution to Optimize Scaffolding Operations Nationwide
Phoenix, Arizona, September 14, 2020 The Phoenix-based Liberty Industrial Group Inc, (LIG) is a specialty contractor for commercial and indus-trial scaffolding services in 40 states. They engaged HokuApps LLC. to build an optimal solution for the full range of their scaffolding and insulation project management requirements.
We can help you streamline your work that will drive your business forward. Get started with HokuApps today.