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System Integration Solutions

Bring all your disparate systems together onto one unified platform for better insights into your business

HokuApps System Integration Solutions
HokuApps System Integration Solutions for Instant Integration
In a scenario with HokuApps’ system integration solution, executives can garner a comprehensive understanding of the customer’s needs and get a strong sense of the trends to follow. Business operations will run flawlessly as all data from all systems are synchronized and all processes are working in tandem, ensuring enhanced visibility across the business. Your business can then improve on customer retention and cross-selling.

Our ecosystem supports the collation of accurate and relevant data through systems such as ERP and CRM, flowing freely through every business silo onto one unified platform. IT systems are available for optimal utility, ensuring that your business stays ahead of the race with future-proof, scalable technology.

HokuApps’ cutting edge system integration solution supports key business goals by streamlining business operations to enhance revenue growth. With our system integration services, your IT staff is agile and highly responsive to changing business needs. Your operations are in sync with your business’s mission and vision, delivering real value impacts by rationalizing your IT framework. The effect of a streamlined business workflow is reduced costs and delivering more from less.
System Integration Solutions
HokuApps provides a unified system integration solution to connect all systems, wherever it may be situated, in any format, to bring it all together onto a cloud server so that you are always be in touch with the pulse of your business. And with tools like an interactive dashboard to view all information, you can get an abstracted view of your business based on parameters that you have specified.

System integration plays a key role in adapting business plans to a software integration solutions approach. To enhance agility, the app utilizes assets, process, and system integration tools, to access business critical analysis and trends - from anywhere-anytime - accurately and consistently. To support such an initiative, organizations need an efficient integration of data that delivers shared services which are defined by metadata via flexible policies to create an ecosystem of easy inter operations.
End to End Integration
End-to-End Integration
Integrating disparate systems with our system integration solution allows you to work in an ideal scenario where all data is accurate and provides consistency to the business infrastructure, while giving meaning to data and analytics driven decision making. Businesses today are implementing real-time reporting and analysis to optimize operations at a granular level. The impact is then seen at a functional level. Enterprises are also using business & systems integration tools to bring legacy systems with new integration tools across processes.

By addressing this problem of disparate systems, business decisions are based on timely and trustworthy information delivery. However, accessing information that makes sense is definitely not easy. Systems need to be aggregated and validated to be put into a structure that makes sense to managers and executives. Inclusively, enterprise-grade data security comes as a part and parcel of end-to-end system integration solutions.
Simplifying Workflow Complexity
Simplifying Workflow Complexity
If software system integration needs to simplify complexities in any business's workflow, then the systems integration solution should provide a range of services like system consolidation onto a single platform and real-time synchronization to create one unified hub for structured analysis. You could take the hard route and create an in-house built app but this will cost a lot of time and capital. Or you could go to vendors who’ll do the job for you. Moreover, HokuApps builds and deploys apps at ten times the speed as it uses pre-built templates and modules.

Our system integration solution saves you from a complex and brittle IT structure that will turn out quite expensive in the long run. The best enterprise system integration solution will leverage a unified system which is built on usability on all devices and operating systems, regardless of tools and services. And on the regulatory front, collating all systems to one unified and secure system integration platform will provide consistency with changing global regulatory standards.
Simplifying Workflow Complexity
A Unified Approach
The organization needs to take on a holistic approach to consider technology and architecture in order to effectively manage system integration. An approach that banks on maximum reuse and consistency to ensure robust data governance is the way to go for enterprises.

HokuApps business system integration offers access to all business information, regardless of structure, type or source i.e., from the mainframe, midrange systems, spreadsheets and XML documents. For an ever changing IT ecosystem, an open and platform-neutral architecture must be designed to create a unified architecture which ensures simplicity, accelerated development, deployment, and maintenance. HokuApps provides the best-in-class security, reliability, availability, and scalability.
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Service Oriented Architecture
It is critical that the process of data integration evolves over time so that a foundation is set to support the business’s infrastructure in the long run. Executives and managers require a horizontal view of all systems to allow them to make effective data-driven decisions, therefore building a more flexible business architecture and creating functional service layers across the enterprise.

A service oriented architecture offers a lot of advantages like platform independence, more reliability with easy testing, the ability of the software to reuse codes, increased visibility, and scalability. HokuApps takes into consideration your business’s long term view so that your business can evolve over time to fit in future projects.
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Bring Disparate Systems Together
Bring Disparate Systems Together
In today’s business scenarios, IT departments are struggling to deliver on every requirement. The complexity of existing legacy systems and the use of various tools drain resources that are needed for more pertinent work. The key cause of these problems is data from various systems that work as individual entities that make up any business’s operations.

Customer data may be stored in hundreds of individual systems or databases that are independent of each other. Doesn’t matter if your business is small, medium or large, all non-system integrated businesses combat this proliferation of systems. With a unified view of business relevant data across the business, executives can make decisions based on complete information. And as the business grows into a larger enterprise, your business will no longer experience any hindrance in operational change and growth.