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As a company we strongly believe in respecting the security, confidentiality and privacy of the data of
our users. We use currently accepted global internet standards in order to make sure that your data is safe and secure.
Read on to know more details on common concerns.
How secure is my data in transit?
How secure is my data in transit?
All communications with HokuApps are encrypted using 256 Bit AES TLS/ SSL encryption which is a worldwide industry standard encryption protocol used by many corporate entities, banks, online retailers and websites.
Where is my data stored?
Where is my data stored?
Our data centers and web servers are hosted with Amazon Web Services in a physically secure location in the US. The data resides behind built in Firewalls and is continuously monitored by many programs. You can read more about the top notch security provided by Amazon and their practices and compliance at https://aws.amazon.com/security/ and https://aws.amazon.com/compliance. Further, data backups are also kept solely on Amazon web services thus ensuring the same level of high security for your backup data as well.
Are my payments secure?
Are my payments secure?
All communications with HokuApps are encrypted using 256 Bit AES TLS/ SSL encryption which is a worldwide industry standard encryption protocol used by many corporate entities, banks, online retailers and websites.
Do I have control over my organization's Security?
Do I have control over my organization's Security?
Admin users have complete control over the access rights of their team members. As we have taken considerable precautions so that users cannot perform actions they do not have rights to, you should be able to fully control access to your organization's data. Being in IT for as long as we have, we know that oftentimes it's our own employees who inadvisably take actions that undermine security. Hence our role management system further empowers admins to secure access to important actions that can compromise organizational security.

Our development team is also currently working on implementing two factor security as well as mechanisms to provide admin users the capability of enforcing two factor security and instant password resets in their organizations, providing an additional layer of security that admin users have control of. We are continuously improving our security and adding new features to give you the peace of mind you deserve. Tune into https://facebook.com/hokuapps and @hokuapps on Twitter to stay updated!