Across the back, mid, and front office, you’re striving for better experiences and greater efficiencies. HokuApps eliminates errors and delays involved in traditional manual execution, lowering costs and dramatically increasing product reach.
Pivot business as required
We offer stock brokerage and investment software in addition to retail banking facilities, allowing rapid changes in your product roadmap.
Gain from the sharpest toolbox
Backed by powerful analytics, intuitive bots, and data visualization, we ensure you’re ready to tackle new challenges.
Say goodbye to contact centers
Our dedicated customer service modules cover remote payments, self-service, and support bots, reducing efforts per interaction.
Track every relevant asset
Map hospital stock, entry into sensitive areas, pathology records, and the intricate details that together make your ecosystem
Streamline build, test & delivery
Our in-house developers and domain consultants boost chances of first-time-right with accurate solution mapping and development.
Improve CX for greater loyalty
Our customer service focus is embedded into every application, ensuring your customers stay with you and bring in new revenue opportunities